Before & After Gallery

With advanced technology and expert skill, virtually any dental issue can be resolved. Our patients absolutely love how they look with their dream smile and the confidence it brings them. Schedule a consultation with us to find out how we can help you achieve your perfect smile.


If you don't like the shape, color, or alignment of your teeth, this procedure may be your answer. These porcelain shells are cemented on top and wrap around the sides of your existing teeth!

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A crown is a full-coverage cap, made of either all-ceramic or porcelain layered on top of a metal framework, that goes over your existing tooth. Crowns are necessary if you have had a root canal or if you have lost too much tooth structure for a filling to be a viable, long-term solution. Crowns are also a very esthetic option.

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A denture replaces anywhere from one to all teeth that are missing. Unlike the other missing teeth replacement options, dentures are removed every night. There have been major advancements in dentistry that have increased the retentive ability of dentures, one of which is pictured directly below -- snap your dentures in and don't worry about them popping out!

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A bridge is a fixed (not removable) solution to replacing a missing tooth or multiple teeth. The two teeth on either side of the space are crowned while holding fake crown(s) in the space between, giving the effect of having no missing teeth.

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